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Need help with maths?

Then you'll be glad to know you're in the right place.

Maths Busters provide maths help tailored to your needs. (Sample prices are shown below)

You simply register, then fill in a form with your request. Maths Busters will review this and send you a quote if they can help. Once this is received by you, you can accept, pay and receive your maths help!

To get started, click here to register


Sample Prices are as follows

Charges will depend upon the complexity of the problem being considered, but in general most problems/requests will cost between £5 and £20 each.

A £5 fee might be charged for:
Help with the planning of coursework
Advice regarding a piece of coursework which is partially complete
Marking an examination paper
Answering a couple of maths questions over the phone or by e-mail


A £10 fee might be charged for:
Providing solutions to 4 maths questions over the phone or by e-mail
Same day response to any request for help with some questions in “GCSE” maths
Providing worked examples, and a list of key points, in a specific topic e.g., percentages


A £20 fee might be charged for:
Providing help with scholarship type questions e.g., university entrance papers
Same day response to any request for maths help with some questions in “advanced” maths
Providing worked examples, a list of key points and some practice questions in a specific topic e.g., trigonometry
Solving questions submitted on a particular topic and providing further practice questions


The above are examples only

The best way to find out about charges is to submit a problem and then ask for a quote. This would put you under no obligation.